v18.0 [Jan 24, 2022]
- New: Started from this version, screenlists generated in VTM can be edited in Videonizer .
- New: The "Double-sized Tiles in Choose Shots Manually interfaces" in the "Settings" -> "Appearance". The default value is ON.
- Fixed: Multiple Aspect Ratio issues related to the Choose Shots Manually interfaces.
- Fixed: Several minor rare bugs.
- Fixed: Chinese translation was corrected.
v15.2 [Dec 4, 2020]
- special note: Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8+ is required to run the application.
- new: Ultimate and Crystal engines have become 10% faster.
- new: Environment -> Appearance: The "Horizontal scrolling for long paths in the Main Window".
- It allows you to rearrange the columns in the main window and get the horizontal scrolling for paths:
- new: The main context menu: "Open Result containing Folder" menu item.
- new: Use "Home" and "End" hotkeys in the Main window to jump to the very beginning and to the very end of the list. "Shift+Home" and "Shft+End" do the same but with the selection.
- changed: Faster addition of files to the program, faster selection and deletion of items.
- changed: Environment: The "Appearance" button is introduced. The "Restore last window position after restart" was moved there.
- changed: Environment: The maximum Timeout value for screenlists has been increased to 60 mins. For animations - to 120 mins.
- fixed: Jerky OGV (Theora) animations for the 64-bit version of the application.
- fixed: Redundant scrollbars in Choose Shots Manually interfaces.
- fixed: WebVTT didn't take into account the "Save each job into its own Folder" setting.
- Nvidia card users: The minimum required Nvidia driver version for H.264 / H.265 animations is 456.71 or newer.
- AMD card users: The minimum required Adrenalin driver version for H.264 / H.265 animations is 20.2.1 or newer.
v14.2 [Apr 5, 2020]
- New: Support for animations in MP4 format (H.264 and H.265) for AMD Radeon Series is added.
- New: "Force 16:9" checkbox is added to Options window. When ON, VTM adds black bars to the top/bottom or left/right side of frames to keep 16:9 aspect ratio.
- New: "Use it for 16:9" checkbox is added next to Background color in Options window. By default, VTM uses Black bars for "Force 16:9". Set this checkbox ON to use background color for bars.
- New: The total count of Audio tracks and theirs languages are printed to Audio details string.
- New: [LANGS] tag is added to comment line. Use it to print audio languages info.
- New: "Subtitles" checkbox is added to Options window. When ON, a New line is printed to Technical details with the total count of Subtitles and theirs languages.
- New: [SUBS] tag is added to comment line. Use it to print subtitle details.
- Changed: [AUDIO] tag is comment line now prints audio details without track languages.
- Changed: Video/Audio tech strings are rearranged a bit. Double colon is introduced as a New separator. Here is an example of such output:
- Changed: Tech details are printed transparent when your custom picture is used as a background.
- Changed: Cut edges are filled with the current background color instead of white when "Draw a White Border" effect is enabled.
- Fixed: VTM failed to create short animations with sound under certain circumstances.
- New: 3 new animation formats are added: MP4 (H.264 (AVC), H.265 (HEVC)) and OGV (Theora). Please refer to the table below for details (click to view full size image):
- New: You can create H.264/H.265/OGV animations using VTM right from Videonizer 6 or higher.
- New: You can use "Choose shots manually" interface to select which frames are to be used as a starting point for animation sections. So you can create any animation you want. You can use right mouse button on already selected frame to set the duration of the section. Sections are animated in order of appearance in "Choose shots manually". To discard the section from the animation just select "Not animate" in Tile context menu.
- New: You can also set the default duration for all futher frames snapped in "Choose shots manually" interface using special new button right below the "Snap" button.
- New: 6 new tags are added to Options for the Comment. They are: [NAME] (Filename), [SIZE] (Filesize), [DUR] (Duration), [WxH] (Resolution), [FPS] (Framerate), [AUDIO] (the number of audio streams and channels).
- New: *.OGV checkbox is added to Settings -> "Add files with the following extensions".
- Changed: The design of "Animation Quality" indicator has changed.
- Changed: "MultiFiles for Specific timestep" checkbox was added to "Quick Settings" panel on the main window.
- Changed: VTM asks for "Output folder" when selected one does not exist.
- Changed: Video files (animations) produced by VTM can not be added to VTM anymore (there is no sense in doing that).
- Changed: "_VTM" suffix is added to all animations (except of WebP) created by VTM.
- Changed: "Change" link is added to "Comment" in Option. It allow to modify your custom comment in a wider textbox.
- Fixed: Animation creation freezed for source video files without any audio stream.
- Fixed: FPS was not showed for certain video files.
v13.0 [May 5, 2019]
- WebP animation creation speed is 2x times faster than before. WebP is natively supported by all most popular browsers. Firefox and Edge joined the club in late 2018 / early 2019. Please consider the following picture when choosing between WebM and WebP.
- You can define a custom suffix for output files in Environment window. The suffix is added to the end of each file name, just before the final extension.
- This one is related to Animation parameters form opened in Options window. Click on the top right button shows the comparison table between WebM and WebP types of animation.
- WebP animation playback is improved.
- Support for new Pictures Thumbnails Maker "MultiFiles" feature is added.
- VTX feature support for KMPlayer 64-bit is added.
- If you use Pictures Thumbnails Maker, you may want to install its latest version too, because PTM uses its own instance of Pictures Thumbnails Viewer.
v12.1 [Dec 12, 2018]
- new: The Folder browser has been improved. The Address bar, which is located at the top of the Folder browser, displays the path of the currently selected folder. You can paste your path to go to a different folder.
- new: You can use CTRL Left Mouse Button click to select multiple folders in the Folder browser.
v9.1 [Jun 3, 2016]
VTM introduces great new feature - animated video thumbnail sheets!
Previously, you have been able to produce animated thumbnail sheets using WebM and APNG formats.
new: VTM introduces the third animation format - WebP.
WebP format is best for Home usage (it has VTX capabilities, small filesize, the quality is great, up to 10 seconds of animation). It is fully supported by SUU Design software.
new: WebM/APNG/WebP selector is added to Environment window. More info in tooltip pop-up windows.
new: WebM/APNG/WebP selector is added to Environment window. More info in tooltip pop-up windows.
changed: Audio/Video information module is updated.
changed: Few cosmetic changes.
fixed: Rare Ultimate engine crashes are fixed.
fixed: VTM did not allow to select animation duration greater than 5 seconds for WebM animation format.
fixed: VTM is used by Videonizer's "Generate and add Screenslists" feature. That feature used to stop responding after proccesing certain amount of files in a batch.
v8.0 [Sep 20, 2015]
new: ULTIMATE engine! Lightspeed fast, codec-independent engine. ULTIMATE engine is ten times faster than the former leader - Extreme engine. Please note once again, Ultimate engine uses built-in codecs, so you do not need to care about codecs anymore. The speed is really amazing.
new: "Secondary engine" setting is added to Environment window. Secondary engine is used to backup Primary. It is used automatically when Primary engine fails. Then the program switches back to Primary.
new: Generate thumbnail sheets IN A BATCH right from Videonizer (another my project) version or later! Select any quantity of Videonizer items, open a context menu and locate "Screenlists" section. Thumbnail sheets will be generated and added to Videonizer items automatically. You can cancel the job at any time. Also you can select any VTM Options and VTM Settings in Videonizer Settings window.
new: "Export for Videonizer" button is added to Environment window. It allows you to save VTM Settings to a *.VTS file, which can be used later in Videonizer.
new: "Incremenal filenames" checkbox is added to Environment window. When the feature is enabled, VTM will never overwrite existing files, but will add incremental suffix to save file under unique name. Works only when "Skip existing" feature is disabled.
new: Console version of the program has become more functional. From now on it displays the current progress, supports cancellation of the job and takes into account ALL setting from GUI Environment window ("Skip existing..." feature and so on). If you want to run the job as a pure background process, you can specify "/silent" flag. In that case the job can only be stopped by killing the process in Windows Task Manager.
new: The progress bar is drawn for "Combine all files into one picture" feature too.
new: State indicator for the last "Combine all files into one picture" result file is added. Also you can click on the indicator to try to view last result picture.
new: Since an attempt to overwrite a read-only file is considered as a failure, a new icon is added to datagridview to distinguish read-only states from engine failures.
new: Escape button can be used to cancel time-consuming process of adding folders to the list. You can also use Alt X hotkey.
new: "LOG" button is added to the main window. The button opens Diag.log file from the program's folder. CTRL Click on the button clears the log.
new: Each console job log is stored into a separate log file in the program's folder named "Log".
new: Turkish hints translation is added to the program.
changed: The font of the program has become bigger.
changed: Old, slow and rarely used "Engine 2" is replaced by an average speed engine, based on the former Extreme engine. "Engine 2" becomes the second engine that is using external codecs (beside "Engine 1").
changed: "Combine all files into one picture" has become failure-independent. VTM creates a result picture in any case. The program uses embedded stub-image for each failed/missed file.
changed: From now on "Create animated GIF" feature does not require "Output each Tile to a separate file" feature to be turned ON. Nevertheless, settings from "Output each Tile to a separate file" section are still applicable to "Create animated GIF". Moreover, GIF files can be generated without VTX or Classic output.
changed: More hints (tooltips) are added to Environment window. Tooltip is a pop-up window that displays information for an element in the interface.
changed: "Diag.log" file in the program's folder has become more informative and user-friendly.
changed: New Folder Browser dialog is used to select "Output Path" in Quick Settings, as well as in Environment window.
changed: "Memory economy mode" is removed from Environment window. From now on it is always set to ON.
changed: A confirmation dialog, asking if you really want to cancel changes is added to "Choose shots manually" window.
changed: Few cosmetic changes.
changed: Audio/Video information module is updated.
fixed: There were rare false-positive reports from some anti-virus software.
fixed: The program did not show preview results for skipped items. Hint: To preview a result for processed item, click on its "State" column (the first one in the datagrid), or select its row and open a context menu for it. Also you can use ~ (tilde) hotkey for any single-selected processed item.
fixed: Support of "ClearType off" Windows font smoothing for 100% and 150% Windows scaling mode is added. 125% Windows scaling mode still may produce displacements on the forms when "ClearType off" Windows setting is turned off.
fixed: Malfunction of "Auto" button in "Choose shots manually" window if there were more than 12 rows in the matrix.
v6.4 [Sep 26, 2014]
- quickfix: Crystal Engine did not work in
- Direct click on a radiobutton in Special Matrix window did not redraw matrix appearance in Construction Set.
v6.3 [Jul 23, 2014]
- Old fashioned file list is replaced with the modern one. It is much faster, prettier and provides more functionality.
- Now you can view up to 14 latest generated results immediately (on the fly), without waiting for entire list of files to be processed. Green triangle in front of the name of a file indicates the job is done. Click on it to view the result.
- "Sort files alphabetically" and "Sort files by File's date-time" buttons are added to the main window.
- "Please wait" animation is added to "Add folder" operation.
- Confirmation dialog is added to delete operations.
v6.2 [Jun 16, 2014]
Updated to v6.2.0.0
A new word in generating and using screenlists!
new: It is not an easy task to find a particular scene in a video, isn't it?
How about clicking on a thumbnail sheet Tile to get the video started at that position?
You can start the video from the moment from which the thumbnail shot has been taken!
Once a VTX file is created, double click on it in any file manager. Picture Thumbnails Viewer will be opened. It acts like a usual picture viewer (browse pictures, zoom them, delete and so on).
If you want to play the video at the beginning, right click outside any Tile and choose a video player. You can also use F1 hotkey to run your system's default associated video player for that type of video.
new: Ending point is added to "Specific time" option. You can set "End" value in addition to "Start" value (in seconds). The program takes the minimum of two numbers - this value and the length of a video. You can disable "End" option by setting its checkbox to OFF state. "-1" value in "End, sec" field also disables the option. As well as any value less or equal to "Start, sec" value.
new: You can specify "/?" or "/help" options to view current VTM command line options.
new: "YouTube VTX Demo" link button is added to Environment window in front of VTX checkbox.
changed: A warning message is displayed in Environment window when neither "VTX" nor "Classic" options are selected.
changed: Few cosmetic changes, more popup hints.
fixed: VTM failed to generate the result file for "Choose shots manually" interface under certain circumstances.
fixed: Pictures Thumbnails Viewer failed to start a file under some rare circumstances.
special note 1: The list of supported video players for VTX Feature can be found at forum topic
special note 2: If you use Pictures Thumbnails Maker, you may want to install its latest version, because PTM uses its own instance of Pictures Thumbnails Viewer.
special note 3: If you use Videonizer, it is recommended to update it too in order to get support for new VTX files.
Right click on a Tile to get its context menu opened. There you can find the list of installed video players at your system. Click on any title to run the desired scene.
To speed up the process you can use a double click on a Tile.
v5.0 [Feb 6, 2013]
- An option to create VTT files is added ("WebVTT" checkbox in Environment window). WebVTT (Web Video Text Tracks) file format is used by online players (YouTube, JW Player, ...) to display a tooltip when a viewer hovers the controlbar. This allows for quick scanning and navigating of longer-form content.
- Since an URL to a tooltip thumbnail is relative to the VTT file (much like images included in CSS sheets) - you can define more complicated relative path to your thumbnails filling the textbox next to the "WebVTT" checkbox in the Environment window.
- Fixed: skipping files feature did not work properly because it always checked for existence of GIF files even when is was not needed.
- Fixed: "General CSV" and "General XML" files were not placed properly to the chosen output folder.
- Few cosmetic changes.
- Audio/Video information module is updated.
v4.0 [Dec 26, 2011]
Small bug is fixed.
Audio/video information module is updated.
Straightforward utility to transform your favorite video fragments into GIFs.